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Anxiety research paper

Anxiety research paper

anxiety research paper

Jun 17,  · The evidence for potential biomarkers for anxiety disorders in the fields of neuroimaging, genetics, neurochemistry, neurophysiology, and neurocognition has been summarized in two recent consensus papers. 13,14 Despite comprehensive, high-quality neurobiological research in the field of anxiety disorders, these reviews indicate that specific Cited by: Research Paper: Anxiety Disorders Stephanie Hathaway Liberty University Abstract Anxiety Disorders are characterized by many symptoms and often associated with depressive tendencies. Although the majority are produced in a person based off of their genetic material, other influences exist environmentally that can encourage or discourage the severity of the Anxiety In The Long Run Research Paper. 64 Words 1 Page. If you struggle with anxiety then you’ve probably acquired a few coping methods. You might take a Xanax, or drink a few glasses of wine, or smoke a cigarette or joint, or watch TV continually, or eat an entire package of cookies. But those solutions tend to create problems of their own

Treatment of anxiety disorders

This sample anxiety research paper features: words approx. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration. If you need a thorough research paper written according to anxiety research paper the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help. This is how your paper can get an A!

Feel free to contact our writing service for professional assistance. We offer high-quality assignments for reasonable rates. It is generally agreed that anxiety is a fundamental human emotion. Thus, our concept of anxiety is inextricably wed to our understanding of the nature of emotion itself.

What is an emotion? More fundamentally, what kind of thing is emotion? If we agree that anxiety is an emotion, anxiety research paper, then anxiety is that kind of thing. Is emotion mental or physical? These questions may at first seem arcane, but their answers can help us think more clearly about more practical questions, anxiety research paper, like: 1 How can you tell if someone is anxious? and 3 Should one try to control anxiety and if so should one use medication or psychotherapy?

There has been much argument among philosophers, psychologists, and other theoreticians about the nature of emotion itself. Our approach here derives from the contemporarily influential idea that anxiety research paper are functional states, anxiety research paper. That is, emotions are states anxiety research paper the organism that can best be understood according to their functions.

According to this idea, anxiety research paper, understanding the function of a state is a good start toward understanding whether that state is emotional in nature, anxiety research paper. According to this conceptualization, anxiety is any state that serves a particular function or purpose. What function does anxiety serve? It has become conventional in psychology to construe anxiety as a state that serves to escape or avoid danger.

Mobilization of an organism to take actions to avoid harm can be a function that enhances anxiety research paper. This is our working hypothesis about the function of anxiety. Another idea that has garnered empirical support is that the function of anxiety is to warn others about danger, particularly via facial expressions.

Both of these views constitute theories of the nature of anxiety, and are subject to continuing investigation and development or decline, depending on the accumulation of relevant evidence. Some researchers have argued that a limited anxiety research paper of basic emotions exist that cannot be analyzed into more fundamental emotions. These include anger, anxiety research paper, fear, sadness, disgust, and joy. Other emotions are said to be combinations of these basic emotions.

For example, it has been suggested that anxiety can be conceptualized as a combination of fear, guilt, and anger. Another approach is to analyze emotions according to their position along certain basic dimensions. These dimensions of positive and negative affectivity are hypothesized to encompass a variety of emotions.

Particular emotions are usually depicted as points mapped onto the two-dimensional space, anxiety research paper. In this model, anxiety is characterized by excess anxiety research paper affect, anxiety research paper. unpleasant ; 2 arousal excited vs. relaxed ; and 3 dominance controlling vs. Because our approach is to view anxiety as a state that serves to escape or avoid danger, an essential element of an anxiety state must be a perception of danger by the organism.

Note that there need not be any actual danger, but only the perception of danger. Unless there is some perception of danger by the organism, it is hard to make sense anxiety research paper anxiety as a state whose function is to mobilize the organism to escape or avoid danger.

Cognitive psychology experiments have well established that there are both conscious and unconscious perceptual processes, and that perception of danger can be unconscious. According to the two-stage theory, anxiety research paper, a neutral event comes to trigger anxiety if it has been experienced along with an event that itself causes anxiety research paper. Furthermore, it is supposed that anxiety can be conditioned not only to physical events, such as snakes and spiders, but also to mental events, such as thoughts and images.

This is the first stage: a process called classical conditioning whereby neutral stimuli are associated with danger cues. Once fear of anxiety research paper previously neutral situation is acquired in this way, methods of escape or avoidance are attempted, and successful methods are learned and maintained. For example, it fails to account for the disproportionately high frequency of certain fears e.

It also does not explain the particular ease with which some fears, like taste aversions, are learned and maintained. A useful addition to the two-stage theory is the theory of biologically prepared learning, that hypothesizes that certain conditioned learning is especially easy because of evolutionary developments in the nervous system that have had survival advantages.

Although preparedness theory is a plausible elaboration of two-factor theory, its experimental exploration has yielded equivocal results. Despite the limitations of the basic two-stage theory, anxiety research paper maps well onto certain observations about the maintenance of phobic avoidance and escape. Specifically, it is generally consistent with the common observation that confrontation with phobic situations has been found to provoke reports of distress and elevated cardiac and electrodermal activity, and withdrawal from the situations leads to temporary relief.

Another influential theory of anxiety emphasizes the anxiogenic role of uncontrollability and unpredictability. Accordingly, unpleasant events feel much worse and have more lasting effects if they are unpredictable and uncontrollable. These theories postulate that what people think influences how they feel. A limitation of this sort of cognitive theory is that it does not specify what expectations and attitudes distinguish different emotions, such as fear versus anger or sadness.

Another type of cognitive theory anxiety research paper that certain styles of thinking, for example, overestimating of threat, are involved in pathological anxiety, and that the perception of threat is an important determinant of anxiety.

For example, anxiety research paper, Watts and his anxiety research paper have argued that the way people pay attention to, remember, and interpret threat-relevant information is a crucial determinant of anxiety. Furthermore, different emotions may be associated with different types of information processing bias, for example, anxiety with attentional bias, and sadness with memory bias, anxiety research paper.

Biological theories of anxiety emphasize the role of the nervous system in anxiety. Anxiety is routinely construed as a stress reaction, and it is generally understood that environmental stressors affect physical well-being. Hans Selye introduced the concept of a General Adaptation Syndrome GAS to describe physical reactions to stressors. Accordingly, there are three phases in the reaction to stress. During the first phase, the alarm reaction, the activity in the autonomic nervous system increases.

In the second stage, resistance, some physiological adaptation occurs, but if the stressor persists, anxiety research paper, other physiological reactions ensue, such as ulcers and atrophy of the anxiety research paper. Finally, in the third phase, exhaustion, irreversible damage or death anxiety research paper result if the source of stress is not removed.

Other researchers have emphasized the importance of interpretation of events in the environment. For example, Lazarus suggests that interpretation of threat is as important as the triggering event in causing stress.

The above theories of stress often refer to neuroanatomical structure that may be involved in the stress reaction. Gray has argued that the effects of certain anti-anxiety substances such as alcohol, and of lesions of certain brain areas e.

Furthermore, Gray suggested that individual differences in anxiety stem from differences in the activation of the behavioral inhibition system and that these differences are determined genetically.

As noted earlier, anxiety is believed to have survival value because it prepares the organism to avoid harm. While anxiety research paper avoidance of threat is essential for survival, chronic anxiety can involve hypervigilance and exaggerated perception of the number and severity of dangerous environmental stimuli.

Genetic and family studies have found some support for this notion. For example, elevated levels of panic have been found in relatives of individuals with panic disorder. Another way of understanding genetic influence is through comparisons of identical monozygotic twins, who have identical genetic makeup, and dizygotic twins, who have similar upbringing but different genetic makeup.

The method is to compare their concordance for anxiety, that is, to compare the number of each type of twin pair who both have anxiety. Such concordance is higher in monozygotic twins. Together, anxiety research paper, the various genetic studies point to a component of heritability for anxiety. This means that genetic makeup provides a limited explanation of vulnerability to anxiety disorder.

Furthermore, what seems to run in families is a vulnerability to develop some kind of anxiety, rather than to develop a specific disorder. Because of evidence that both person and environment are important in understanding anxiety, anxiety research paper, it has become commonplace to suggest that an interaction between stressors in the environment with predispositions or diatheses in the person cause anxiety.

The predisposition could itself be environmentally caused, or it could be inherited. Hypothesized environmentally caused diatheses might be brain injury caused by prenatal hypoxia, or autonomic hyperreactivity stemming from years of child abuse or imprisonment and torture.

Some theorists have suggested that individuals inherit predispositions to differing levels of anxiety and that environmental stressors are influential in determining its onset and course. Animals experience distress in threatening situations, and this has been compared to anxiety in humans. For example, when animals are forced to make difficult choices between danger and safety signals, they anxiety research paper agitation, restlessness, distraction, hypersensitivity, muscle tension, and stomach ulcers.

This phenomenon has been termed experimental neurosis, and can also be produced by punishment of appetitive behavior, and by long periods of restraint and monotony. There are parallels between disturbances observed in animals who are exposed to unavoidable and unpredictable stressors, and human reaction to extreme harm or threats e. These similarities suggest that animal models can be anxiety research paper for studying human reactions to extreme stress, anxiety research paper.

Although animal models do not illuminate every feature of anxiety, they can probably explain some of the more prominent features. Methods of assessing anxiety include interviewing, questionnaires, physiological monitoring, and observations of behavior. These can be used to assess the full range of anxiety, from mild to intense.

The primary technique used to assess pathological anxiety is the clinical interview addressing criterion symptoms as specified in DSM-IV or another diagnostic rubric. An approach to anxiety research paper advocated by Peter Lang holds that it is variously evident in three behavioral systems: semantic what people report about themselvesphysiological e.

The implication of this particular view is that a thorough assessment entails measurement of the three systems. Measurement of each system has advantages and disadvantages. Self-report indicators of anxiety require introspective description of feelings. An advantage of this indicator is that language can indicate fine nuances of meaning that are less easily accessible in other indicators, anxiety research paper.

Also, self-report provides a relatively economical method of assessment, and can often be done by questionnaire. A disadvantage is that subjects are often inconsistent in their observations of themselves, and the usefulness of their report depends heavily on their limited powers of self-observation. An advantage of direct monitoring of physiological functioning is that the data do not rely on the self-observational accuracy of the subject, but rather, on the quality of the measurement methods and monitoring equipment.


, time: 10:23

Anxiety In The Long Run Research Paper - 64 Words | Bartleby

anxiety research paper

Research Paper: Anxiety Disorders Stephanie Hathaway Liberty University Abstract Anxiety Disorders are characterized by many symptoms and often associated with depressive tendencies. Although the majority are produced in a person based off of their genetic material, other influences exist environmentally that can encourage or discourage the severity of the Stress and anxiety are virtually omnipresent in today ́s society, pervading almost all aspects of our daily lives. While each and every one of us experiences “stress” and/or “anxiety” at least to some extent at times, the phenomena themselves are far from being completely understood. In stress research, scientists are particularly grappling with the conceptual issue of how to define Jun 17,  · The evidence for potential biomarkers for anxiety disorders in the fields of neuroimaging, genetics, neurochemistry, neurophysiology, and neurocognition has been summarized in two recent consensus papers. 13,14 Despite comprehensive, high-quality neurobiological research in the field of anxiety disorders, these reviews indicate that specific Cited by:

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