Thursday, October 7, 2021

Cause and effect of global warming short essay

Cause and effect of global warming short essay

cause and effect of global warming short essay

Heat waves are the most common effect of Global Warming. Rising heat temperatures create hot spots mostly in large urban areas. Heat waves are very dangerous, and potentially lethal to humans. Another danger that caused due to global warming are the growing blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins  · Global Warming is affecting our world by putting our population at risk. Global Warming is real and it’s caused by fossil fuels because using coal which is a fossil fuel causes gas fumes and using cars produce a lot of carbon dioxide. Using less fossil fuels will decrease chances for global warming to occur  · 10 Lines About Causes of Global Warming Essay Global warming refers to the heating up of the planet due to many reasons. Most of the causes of global warming are due to human activities. Human beings must take responsibility for causes global warming and climate change. Greenhouse gases play an Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

Global Warming: Causes and Effects Free Essay Example

The main causes of global warming is the release of toxic and harmful green house gases, like carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide due to the burning of fossil fuel and industrial activities.

Effects of global warming include incessant rain, unexpected climatic changes, rise in oceanic temperature, depletion in flora and fauna, melting of glaciers and floods etc. The essays have been written in simple yet effective English language to let you know about the causes and effects of global warming. After going through these causes and effects of global warming essay cause and effect of global warming short essay will know what are the causes of global warming and its effects; also the factors leading to it and steps taken to stop it.

Global warming is a major concern nowadays because cause and effect of global warming short essay the regular increasing temperature of the whole atmosphere. It is continuously becoming so powerful like a demon. There are many reasons for its ever increasing nature. The major cause of it is greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, chloro fluoro carbons, etc which are increasing in the environment mainly by the human activities.

Some of are increasing number of automobiles, cause and effect of global warming short essay, mushrooming industries, fossil fuels combustion, etc. Such activities emit more CO2 in the atmosphere which enhances global warmth of Earth.

This increasing atmospheric temperature causes glaciers to melt, health disorders to occur and invites so many natural disasters, cause and effect of global warming short essay. As every one of us knows that couple of century, the climate on this planet was colder than now. And it is so surprising that even now it is not stable, it is increasing day by day. We are well aware and imagine its negative effects on our environment and body health.

However, we are ignoring and continuing our bad habits which is flaming the global warming. Global warming is a constant process of increase in the annual temperature of whole planet. According to the statistics, it is recorded that in the last century the average increase in temperature is 0. All the effects of the global warming adverse effect on agriculture, floods, droughts, soil erosion, hurricanes, etc are the huge indication of danger to our life, cause and effect of global warming short essay.

The main causes of the global warming are increasing human population, deforestation, increasing effects of green house gases, many careless human activities, etc. There are many causes of the global warming which affects human lives and health in many aspects.

The main cause of global warming is the human beings careless activities. Ever increasing human population are demanding more resources to live easy and healthy life such as land to live and crop cultivation, technological growth for comfort and deal with increasing temperature of atmosphere, etc.

Fossil fuels burning for many reasons are highly responsible to increase global warming. People are realizing well the increase in environmental warmth however never mind their activities which are stimulating the global warming to increase. Continuously they are wasting natural resources and polluting the air, water and soil.

All such resources ultimately contribute to the global warming. Burning fossil fuels in the automobiles emits various green house gases which get collected in the atmosphere and force it to heat. Increasing need of land by human being results deforestation which contributes to increase in CO2 and decrease in oxygen. It affects the human health, life style, calls diseases, calls natural disasters like hurricanes, heat waves, drought, climate change and so many.

Increase in environmental temperature and climate change has become very clear over the last 50 years because of increasing level of greenhouse gases concentration like water vapour, CO2, methane, ozone, sulphur and nitrogen gases, etc in the atmosphere.

Such as greenhouse gases contribute to increase in the greenhouse effect. The major cause of increasing greenhouse gas in the environment is burning of fossil fuels which emit carbon dioxide and heat the atmosphere. Such green house gases have capacity to absorb more heat from sun, heat from electricity used by human beings in many ways which in turn warm the whole atmosphere of this planet. The effects caused by the greenhouse gases water vapour, CO2, methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, hydro fluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride, per fluorocarbons, chlorofluorocarbons, etc are called as the green house effect.

Heating of the environment increases atmospheric temperature by 3° to 5° C by the yearincreases sea level by 25 meter by year and heat, melts glaciers, increases health disorders, changes climate, changes cause and effect of global warming short essay, increases annual power of hurricanes, calls natural disasters floods, heat waves, droughts, tornadoeslowers down amount and quality of agricultural yields, enhances glacial retreat, reduces summer stream flows, extinctions of various important plants and animals species and so many.

There are some other dangerous effects of the global warming which continuously affects the lives of human beings, plants and animals. Global warming needs to be solved urgently by the active effort of each and every human being living on this planet.

Scientists and economists of many countries cause and effect of global warming short essay working regularly in the field of global warming from many decades in order to figure out causes, effects, preventions measures, and solutions of it. In the last few decades, a huge level of change in the climate and weather has been seen clearly.

It has disturbed the natural cycles and ecological balance in the atmosphere. The most important cause of increasing global warming is the effect of greenhouse gases which are emitted by human activities. In order to work together and solve this issue by the global effort, there is a group of scientists formed by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or IPCC.

This group works together to research the cause and effect of global warming short essay causes, dangerous effects, effective prevention measures, and effective solutions. According to the research and report of various highly skilled scientists, it is noted that ever increasing level of several greenhouse gases are highly responsible for warming of atmosphere. Combustion of fossil fuels by various means such as automobiles, cars, factories, electricity use, etc are responsible for emitting various green house gases like carbon dioxide, gases of sulphur and nitrogen, cause and effect of global warming short essay, etc.

Other contributors of the green house effect are methane released by means of landfills, agriculture, digestive systems of grazing animalsnitrous oxide from various toxic fertilizers, gases released by means of refrigeration and industrial processes, loss of forests, etc.

The release of various toxic greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing the atmospheric temperature as they have heat trapping abilities. Methane gas molecules 20 times and Nitrous oxide times have more ability to trap heat than CO2. In many countries the use of chlorofluorocarbons has been banned because they also have cause and effect of global warming short essay to degrade the ozone layer a protective layer in the atmosphere as well as high potential to trap heat thousands of times more than CO2.

Other causes of global warming is deforestation which increases CO2 level, decreases oxygen level, drought, disturbs ecological balance, changes climate and changes weather patterns. Global warming is increasing day by day because of the continuous increase in the levels of greenhouse gasses.

Such gases have tendency to trap heat from many sources like sun, electricity, burning coal, burning fuels, etc and prevent them to escape back to the atmosphere.

Thus, the collective effect of all the green house gases increases temperature on the earth and gives rise to many dangerous problems. Earlier, the earth was so cool and every natural cycles were going timely however nowadays lots of dramatic fluctuations in the weather, climate, temperature, health, etc takes place.

A vast increase in the temperature, sea level, and weather patterns has been seen clearly in few last decades. All the changes because of the ever increasing global warming are not a coincidence however it is caused by the human activities and technological advancement. A little fluctuation in the level atmospheric carbon dioxide may cause high level significant effect on the global temperature.

The continuous rise in the percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide is alarming us by its dangerous effects however we are still ignoring. Increasing need of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gasoline by the people of industrial civilization is giving the opportunity to rise in carbon dioxide emissions.

Deforestation is also causing increase in the carbon dioxide through decreasing number of plants and exposing soil to the sunlight. Trees are best source to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere however what happen if we finish the main source of reducing CO2 level. Our mal practices just to live luxurious life on daily basis are hugely altering the environment as well as endangering the lives of people in return.

A little rise in the level of green house gases may hugely affect the global warming. The use of a chemical called chlorofluorocarbon CFC in the refrigerators, aerosol spray propellants are continuously damaging the ozone layer thus increasing the chance of heat to remain on the earth by preventing them to escape back out to the environmental surface. Destruction of ozone layer increases the incidence of many health disorders and diseases such as skin cancer, respiratory disease, low immunity problems, cause and effect of global warming short essay, etc.

Global warming is damaging seasonal crops and marine food channel web, etc. It has affected the weather patterns summer season has increased and winter season has decreased and climate because of the increasing temperature and heat of the earth atmosphere. Causes of Global Warming Essay. Effects of Global Warming Essay. Prevention of Global Warming Essay, cause and effect of global warming short essay.

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Global Warming Essay In English (500 Words) - Causes and Effects of Global Warming essay 500 words

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Essay on Causes and Effects of Global Warming for Students

cause and effect of global warming short essay

Heat waves are the most common effect of Global Warming. Rising heat temperatures create hot spots mostly in large urban areas. Heat waves are very dangerous, and potentially lethal to humans. Another danger that caused due to global warming are the growing blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins  · Global Warming is affecting our world by putting our population at risk. Global Warming is real and it’s caused by fossil fuels because using coal which is a fossil fuel causes gas fumes and using cars produce a lot of carbon dioxide. Using less fossil fuels will decrease chances for global warming to occur  · 10 Lines About Causes of Global Warming Essay Global warming refers to the heating up of the planet due to many reasons. Most of the causes of global warming are due to human activities. Human beings must take responsibility for causes global warming and climate change. Greenhouse gases play an Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

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