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Internal Funding | Graduate School
You may be eligible for funding through grants and fellowships offered by the Graduate School to support the research and scholarly activities of our graduate students. The Graduate School at UMass Amherst offers two fellowships to support the recruitment, retention and success of outstanding graduate students from historically underrepresented groups: the Spaulding-Smith Fellowship for STEM students, and the Research Enhancement and Leadership REAL Fellowship for doctoral students.
UMass doctoral students enrolled in a campus-based doctoral program who have completed at least one semester in their doctoral program at UMass Amherst at the time of application are eligible to apply. Students are eligible to receive a Predissertation Grant only once.
Applicants who were not awarded a grant in a previous application cycle are eligible to reapply, provided they still meet the eligibility requirements. Students may accept only one Predissertation, Fieldwork, or Dissertation Research Grant from the Graduate School in the same academic year.
Applicants should complete purchase a dissertation grant activities prior to presenting their dissertation prospectus; purchase a dissertation grant who have presented or scheduled their dissertation prospectus presentation are not eligible to apply.
To allow for sufficient planning time, we recommend students submit an application for a Predissertation Grant at least three months before funds are needed. A completed application includes:. Include your first and last name in the file name for every document you upload to the Predissertation Research Grant Application.
The faculty advisor reviews the completed Budget Table purchase a dissertation grant Budget Justification, writes a letter of recommendation, and submits it online. Note: Faculty do not receive a prompt to submit a letter; applicants must provide them with link provided above. Faculty must login using their UMass email to access the submission portal; non-UMass faculty should contact Heidi Bauer-Clapp for submission instructions. Awards will be made based on the clarity and quality of the application and the potential for activities funded by Predissertation Grants to provide a strong foundation for the student's future dissertation research.
Proposals written in clear language, purchase a dissertation grant, with realistic and cost-efficient budgets, are more likely to be funded. In most cases, award funds will be disbursed as reimbursements, although some expenses such as equipment purchases must be paid directly by the University. Students should be prepared to pay for expenses out-of-pocket and received reimbursement when activities are completed. Grant recipients will be required to submit a brief report at the end of the grant period to account for how purchase a dissertation grant funds were spent.
Please review the criteria and application information in the Public Engagement and Travel with Children sections of the Internal Funding web page. Questions on the Graduate School Predissertation Grant should purchase a dissertation grant addressed to Heidi Bauer-Clapp. UMass Amherst doctoral students who are enrolled in a campus-based degree program and have achieved candidacy or presented their prospectus at the time of application are eligible to apply. Applicants must also be in good academic standing.
UMass doctoral students are eligible to receive this grant only once. Applicants who were not awarded a grant in a previous application cycle are eligible to reapply. The application deadline is PM on the posted due date—all required materials including the letter of recommendation must be received by this time. To allow sufficient planning time, we recommend students submit an application at least three months before funds are needed.
Include your first and last name in the file name for every document you upload to the Dissertation Research Grant Application.
Note: Faculty do not receive a prompt to submit a letter; students must provide their advisor with this link. Questions on the Graduate School Dissertation Research Grant should be addressed to Purchase a dissertation grant Bauer-Clapp. For the purpose of this grant, fieldwork is defined as data collection that takes place for an extended period of time e. weeks or months outside the western Massachusetts geographical area.
These grants are not designed to fund data analysis, only expenses related to data collection. UMass Amherst doctoral students enrolled in a campus-based degree program and in good academic standing are eligible to apply.
Students may receive this grant only once. Students may accept only one Predissertation, Fieldwork, or Dissertation Research Grant from the Graduate School in an academic year. The application deadline is PM on the posted due date. To allow sufficient planning time, we recommend students submit a Dissertation Fieldwork Grant application at least six months before funds are needed.
Include your first and last name in the file name for every document you upload to the Fieldwork Grant Application. Note: Faculty do not receive a prompt to submit a letter; use the link provided here. The letter of recommendation should address the following:.
Purchase a dissertation grant on the Graduate School Fieldwork Grant should be addressed to Heidi Bauer-Clapp. These competitive grants are awarded as a supplement to the three Graduate School Grants Predissertation, Fieldwork, and Dissertation Research. Students must submit the Supplement for Travel with Children application in the same cycle as the Predissertation, Fieldwork, or Dissertation Research Grant application; the deadline for the Supplement is the same as the primary application.
Applicants must certify that requested funds are above and beyond normal dependent care expenses e. costs for day care or care by a family member not specific to the research activities will not be covered.
To apply for a Supplement for Travel with Children, complete the Supplement Application Form and the Travel with Children Budget Template and submit it by the deadline for your primary grant application.
Please save the budget as a PDF with your first and last name in the file name. Supplements for Travel with Children will be provided as a non-working fellowship, which is considered taxable income and may impact need-based financial aid, including student loans.
Recipients should contact Financial Aid with questions on how awarded funds may impact loan eligibility, purchase a dissertation grant. To support outreach and engagement efforts by graduate student researchers, the Graduate School offers Public Engagement Supplements. Public Engagement Purchase a dissertation grant should outline a mutually beneficial collaboration between the graduate student researcher and an off-campus community, organization, or group. Examples of funded activities could include but are not limited to :.
Applications for a Public Engagement Supplement include a budget and a short essay no more than words that addresses each of the following:.
Use the Supplement for Public Engagement Budget Template to develop your budget. Save your essay and budget as PDF files and upload them in the Supplement for Public Engagement Application Form.
Include your first and last name in the file name for each document. Salary or other payments to individuals are not allowed. Students interested in applying for the Public Engagement Supplement are encouraged to contact Heidi Bauer-Clapp to discuss their project and budget at least two weeks in advance of the application deadline. All funds awarded as Public Engagement Supplements must be used prior to defending your dissertation.
Students may not apply for both a Return to Research Grant and another Graduate School Grant Predissertation, Dissertation Research, purchase a dissertation grant, and Dissertation Fieldwork in Spring Semester All application materials, including the letter of recommendation, must be received by pm on Monday, March 15, purchase a dissertation grant, Include your first and last name in the file name for purchase a dissertation grant document you upload to the Purchase a dissertation grant to Research Grant Application.
The faculty advisor reviews the completed Budget Table and Budget Justification, writes a letter of recommendation, and submits it online via this online submission system. Awards will be made based on clarity and quality of the Project Description; proposals written in clear language with realistic and cost-efficient budgets are more likely to be funded.
Eligible expenses include but are not limited to :. Ineligible expenses include:. Unique to the Return to Research Grant Program, purchase a dissertation grant, funds will be provided as non-working fellowships to allow students, once awardees complete the required Award Agreement and secure IRB or IACUC approval if necessary. Non-working fellowships may impact need-based financial purchase a dissertation grant, including student loans. Students should contact Financial Aid with questions on how awarded funds may impact loan eligibility.
Non-working fellowships may also be subject to taxation, depending on how you use the funds. Save receipts for all research expenses paid for with Return to Research Grant funds for reference when you file your taxes.
These competitive grants are awarded as a supplement to Return to Research Grants, purchase a dissertation grant. Recipients must first be awarded a Return to Research Grant, then their Supplement for Travel with Children application will be considered. normal daycare or care by a family member will not be covered. There is a separate section of the Return to Research Grant to provide application information for your Supplement for Travel with Children, including a brief budget statement.
Questions should be addressed to Heidi Bauer-Clapp. Administered by the Graduate Program Director GPD in each department and funded by a block grant from the Graduate School, travel grants support graduate students in their efforts to establish themselves and acquire valuable experiences in their field.
Applicants must provide verification of acceptance or invitation purchase a dissertation grant present their work to their GPD, purchase a dissertation grant. These funds are not designed to cover research related expenses. The review and approval process will be managed by departments under the direction of the GPD.
Students who anticipate professional travel as described above should check with their GPD on the department process to request funding. These travel grants are processed as a business expense reimbursement. Students who receive funding should check with their business office on specific procedures for reimbursement. GPDs and department business managers will be notified of the amount of their block grant in September.
Once you have been notified of the amount of your allocation you may begin to make awards to students. Funds are awarded for the academic year and may be used to cover travel taking place between Sept. Individual grants should be disbursed to students following university business expense reimbursement guidelines.
Each department will be required to report annually on their use of Graduate Student Travel Grant funds; departments failing to submit a report will not receive an allocation for the next year. Funds may not be carried over from one academic year to the next. If you have questions or need other assistance, please email Heidi Bauer-Clapp or call Beyond the Graduate School, these interdisciplinary awards, grants, and fellowships are open to students from a variety of disciplines.
The Center for Research on Families CRF offers Conference Registration Awards, Dissertation Awards, and Summer Methodology Scholarships. Students must be conducting research that may impact and benefit families, broadly defined. The call for applications generally opens in early February, purchase a dissertation grant.
Skip to main content. The University of Massachusetts Amherst Open UMass Global Links Menu Visit Apply Give Search. Internal Funding. Graduate School Fellowships. Graduate School Research Grants.
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