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Sample essay mba go

Sample essay mba go

sample essay mba go

SUCCESSFUL MBA ESSAYS Gateway to your dream schools Poonam Tandon Founder, President, myEssayReview She would go above and beyond to ensure that your application reflects the quality that she is known for. Unlike some of the other companies, Importance of ‘Sample’ Essays Jul 03,  · MBA essays can be hard to write, but they are one of the most important parts of the MBA application process. If you need help getting started, you may want to view a few sample MBA essays for inspiration. The sample MBA essay shown below has been reprinted (with permission) from EssayEdge did not write or edit this sample MBA blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins The good news is that most people go into the application process with some kind of plan. (If you literally have no idea why you want to go to Plan. It’s not a contract -- no Goals Essay Review Board is going to revoke an MBA if the graduate isn’t in the job they said they’d be in after graduation. But nor is it an exploration session File Size: 2MB

Free Sample Application Essays for MBA Admissions| ReachIvy

Let us evaluate your MBA potential and develop your game plan. Give us 15 minutes. Stanford GSB seeks outstanding and diverse people who seek a transformative experience at Stanford GSB and in turn, seek to transform lives, sample essay mba go, organizations and the world — that is, to make a significant impact.

The GSB is looking for people who will make sample essay mba go big difference and have a better shot than most in being able to execute. The Stanford application essays are essential to showcasing character and experiences as well as the key evaluation criteria of leadership, intellectual vitality, and personal qualities.

SBC has three former Stanford GSB Admissions Officers sample essay mba go multiple GSB MBA graduates who deeply know the nuances of applying to the GSB successfully. At first glance, this simple word may seem a bit vacuous to describe something so profound to my being. But respect has truly been the guiding principle in my life: the one that I learned at an early age, the one that has influenced my decisions, and the one that drives me today.

As the son of American expatriates, I was raised abroad in a sample essay mba go of diversity. To foster our development, my parents immersed my brother and me in local culture. We attended bullfights and visited sample essay mba go markets tucked into the hillsides of the Andes Mountains. Living and interacting with residents of these distant lands taught us to respect those different than us. Through active involvement with the local heritage and customs, we learned that people are people everywhere and that all initially deserve my consideration and respect.

As I matured, this worldview guided my social interactions and ultimately shaped my diverse group of friends. The lessons of respect, taught from my experiences abroad, have given me an open and accepting personality.

When I meet new people, I consider their circumstances and try to appreciate their point of view. This dogma has helped me forge a diverse band of brothers that serves as a foundation in my life. I met one of my adopted brothers in high school. He was a Russian immigrant whose parents had forsaken him at age A man who would offer so much when he had so little, especially to a stranger, earned my respect.

He represents a fraction of my extended family. While each of sample essay mba go companions holds different and important beliefs, our underlying respect ties us together.

My grandfather furthered my lessons on respect. Born in Russia inhe immigrated to the United States at age 21 as the Communist Party planted its roots, sample essay mba go. As a displaced immigrant, he arrived without friends and knowing little English, sample essay mba go. Nevertheless, he held two jobs, attended night school and completed his mechanical engineering degree in nine years — all while supporting a growing family of five.

More importantly, the admiration I have for his achievements has engendered my deepest respect. His accomplishments taught me to respect my past and seize opportunities to honor those who came before me. While not an explicit lesson, I have applied these values to the core of my decision-making process.

To dismiss what was surrendered for my well-being is to disrespect my heritage. Respect drove my decision to attend the University of Alabamaon a merit-based scholarship. Although I had other options, I felt that my family had worked very hard to support me, and the opportunity to earn my education at minimal cost would, in some small way, repay my family. Given my free tuition, I crammed my schedule with courses in biological engineering and finance.

I joined a prominent fraternity and established a tutoring program for struggling members. Using my personal computer, I formed a small online business to generate revenue for personal expenses. Having the luxury of some free time, I invested myself in sample essay mba go service activities. Teachings of respect have guided my life. They influence the way I interact, the way I make decisions, and the way I want others to treat me.

Respect is at the heart of my friendships, and it is respect that gives me my drive to succeed. I strive to respect myself and earn respect from my family, friends, and co-workers, as well as from those who I have yet to meet.

My values of respect have shaped me and will continue to define me. When I was a little girl, my dream was to grow up and marry the king of Morocco. Yes, I admit, I wanted to be a queen, wear beautiful clothes, sample essay mba go, and live in a marvelous palace. For me, the king of Morocco represented the Moroccan people and, as such, was the person who could do the sample essay mba go for our country.

To my young mind, he seemed like the ideal partner to accompany me in my crusade. Growing up, I became more realistic and gave up the marriage goal. Both the king of Morocco and I are married, so there is not a big chance of it sample essay mba go anyway!

However, I still maintain dreams of helping Morocco develop. Accepting responsibility for these dreams has meant accepting that the path that best enables me to accomplish them may actually require me to live outside Morocco for some time.

What matters most to me is keeping in touch with my Moroccan roots and doing what I can to give back to where I came from. My first sixteen years in Morocco contributed to my deep love for its sample essay mba go traditions, varied culture, and contradictions. The Moroccan people are very warm and friendly. Strangers are welcomed into private homes and sample essay mba go to share meals from the same plate. The Moroccan idea of family is much broader than in the West: it encompasses parents, brothers, sample essay mba go, sisters, aunts, uncles, neighbors, even friends.

Spices from different origins—saffron, curcuma, cumin, cinnamon—are mixed into a savory blend that is often cited as one of the most appreciated in the world. As a result, sample essay mba go, each region of the country possesses its own unique identity, which contributes to the national culture as well as its own legacy.

At the same time, Morocco is a true melting pot of world religions. It is perhaps one of the few places on earth where Muslims and Jews live in perfect harmony. Sample essay mba go respected their holidays, and they respected ours. We learned their principles as they learned ours. This multidimensional education taught me one of my most important principles, tolerance, especially essential for someone destined to live abroad.

This principle has always helped me to understand others and respect their opinions even if it completely contradicted my own. Yet, despite all this, I believe that Morocco can find growth and prosperity by investing in information technology, particularly since every year Morocco trains many high-quality engineers eager to be part of sample essay mba go economic development.

Some of my optimism for Morocco stems from my pride in the accomplishments of my own family. During the 15th century, my ancestors, engineers and sailors from Spain, fled from religious persecution into Morocco specifically, Fez and Rabat where they became ship builders and traveled the seas, sample essay mba go.

This heritage of travel fits well with my sense of myself today as a multicultural person—I too am driven to seek out challenging international experiences. As a young girl, for example, I traveled all over Europe, South Africa, and along the Mediterranean Sea. Later, I lived in France for seven years and have lived in the United States now for two. From my father I inherited quantitative strengths and the problem-solving temperament of an engineer.

He is a reflective but independent man who owns his own carton manufacturing business. I spent many hours in his factory learning sample essay mba go operations and managing people my father has 70 employees, from factory workers and engineers to salesmen and administrators. From my father I also inherited my love of sample essay mba go. The country is still where we both go to find calm away from the pressures of life.

Some of my favorite memories are the hours we spent discussing the hazards and pleasures of agriculture on the country property where he grew strawberries.

My mother, however, has been my true role model, and it was from her that I inherited my drive and leadership skills. She has always been a great inspiration to me and a great source of emotional support, sample essay mba go. The grand lesson she taught me is that if a woman wants to be successful, she has to be the best, better than any male.

This is a rule she has always applied to herself. She is a very modern woman who assumes great responsibility in her professional and private lives, but a traditional woman as well.

While she supports my loftiest ambitions she also insists that I learn how to cook and learn more housekeeping skills! Part of my patriotic impulse to help Morocco stems from my parents and the socially focused environment they created. I was educated in a French school in the capital of Morocco, Rabat. Not only did I have both French and Moroccan professors, but the French school also attracted all the foreigners living in Rabat.

As a result, it has always seem perfectly natural to me to have classmates or co-workers from all over the world: Europe, Japan, China, Africa, the U. I also wanted to study in the engineering field because I was not only attracted by quantitative disciplines but also because I knew Morocco needed all kinds of engineers mechanical, chemistry, software… to build its developing economy.

After my high school graduation, my excellent grades enabled me to obtain my French high sample essay mba go diploma with the highest honors, ranking first among senior students. InI was admitted to the most selective Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles, the preparatory classes for scientific and engineering French schools, at the Lycee Louis Le Grand in Paris.

My peers were all the best students of their high schools, and the competition was tougher than anything I had known.

The only things that mattered to me then were mastering math, physics, chemistry, sample essay mba go, philosophy, and the next subject so I could be among the 5 percent who made it into the best schools. I found myself in a radically new environment, facing the additional challenge to adapt to a harsh competitive process.

Fortunately, sample essay mba go, my determination saved me from becoming discouraged by the workload. While I was a student at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, sample essay mba go, I met my husband, a Moroccan national who was born in France and has lived in France, Turkey, and the United States.

This encounter was another kind of cross-cultural experience for me as my husband is a Moroccan expatriate who has never lived in Morocco. Our visions of Morocco are clearly different, and this has always put some spice in our relationship! He is also passionate about negotiation and psychological impacts of interpersonal relationships. After 4 more years in France, where I worked as a Business Analyst for Arthur D.

Little, My husband and I decided to start from scratch and begin a new life on the west coast of the U. For him, sample essay mba go, it meant fulfilling an old dream, an academic career in fact, he is now a third-year Ph.

student in the Organizational Behavior Department of the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Writing an MBA Application Essay - Essential Steps for a Compelling Application Essay

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Sample MBA Essays: IVY League, Wharton | BrightLink Prep

sample essay mba go

Jul 03,  · MBA essays can be hard to write, but they are one of the most important parts of the MBA application process. If you need help getting started, you may want to view a few sample MBA essays for inspiration. The sample MBA essay shown below has been reprinted (with permission) from EssayEdge did not write or edit this sample MBA blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Feb 18,  · The Stanford application essays are essential to showcasing character and experiences as well as the key evaluation criteria of leadership, intellectual vitality, and personal qualities. SBC has three former Stanford GSB Admissions Officers and multiple GSB MBA graduates who deeply know the nuances of applying to the GSB successfully The good news is that most people go into the application process with some kind of plan. (If you literally have no idea why you want to go to Plan. It’s not a contract -- no Goals Essay Review Board is going to revoke an MBA if the graduate isn’t in the job they said they’d be in after graduation. But nor is it an exploration session File Size: 2MB

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