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The american dream definition essay

The american dream definition essay

the american dream definition essay

Jun 06,  · The American Dream is a concept that people can examine from a variety of perspectives, which makes the selection of an essay topic for an American Dream paper quite challenging. During the selection of an essay topic, it is essential to remember that no point of view is more superior or correct than blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Sep 29,  · The death of the American dream Definition Essay America is the land of opportunity. This was the message and the intention of the American declaration of independence, which exhorted the virtues of truth, and that all men (people) [ ] Oct 02,  · The American dream is the ideal society and concept that people of the world, not just Americans, should try to achieve through cooperation and understanding of others around them. Works Cited Jefferson, blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

Essay 1: Defining the American Dream | woratee

Consists of people from many races and ethnicities, it is the society which contains a unique combination of cultures brought along by the diverse population. However the ideal life for the citizens of the United States, the American dream, is a very controversial topic. Some might say that it consists of prosperity and successful life. Others might argue that it is more on the security view point that everyone should be able to live a secure life with cares from the society and government.

All in all, it is an ideal life that individuals want to achieve in this country. In my opinion, the American dream is a bit different from that. The ideal life for the citizens of land of the free consists of three main subjects. The second one is the right to be accepted as an individual. The third one is freedom from oppression. The following essay will discuss these characteristics of the American dream through examples and ideas from the famous readings about the United States of America.

The first characteristic of the American dream, that people should be able to pursue their own dreams, is one the american dream definition essay the most basic idea that built up the culture of the United States as it is. It is always the ethos of the Americans to work hard to be able to get the american dream definition essay they want and be successful. People are encouraged to follow their dreams and try their best to make them come true.

This passion can be anything and they are encouraged by their family, their friends, and people around them to go ahead and try to do their best to make them come true. The area of study in universities is also very large. It allows students to pursue any academic field that they want to learn about to satisfy their thirst for knowledge in those particular field.

Since the beginning of the United States of America, many races and ethnicities of people flowed in to the new emerging nation. Even when it has not become the United States yet, people came to seek better lives and opportunities. The second characteristic is rights to be accepted and respected as an individual. The ideal society for America is the society in which different people can live together in harmony.

In other words, people should be unified but embrace the differences between one another. These differences can be anything. They can be a big topics such as races, ethnicities, religions, ideas, languages or small things like hobbies or interests. Equality despite differences is a very desirable thing. History has shown that by accepting the differences and acknowledgement of others can lead to prosperity. In the 20 th century, new immigration laws altered the composition of the American people, and a cult of ethnicity erupted both among non-Anglo whites and among nonwhite minorities.

This had many healthy consequences. The American culture at last began to give shamefully overdue recognition to achievements of groups subordinated and spurned during the high noon of Anglo dominance, and it began to acknowledge the great swirling world beyond Europe. Americans acquired a more complex and invigorating sense of their world — and of themselves. Schlesinger The final characteristic the american dream definition essay defines the American dream is freedom from oppression.

Oppression will not be tolerated in this land of the free. As John F. The example for this is stated in the declaration of independence by Thomas Jefferson. We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, government are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, the american dream definition essay, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Jefferson In conclusion, though the American dream may be defined differently, in my point of view, it consists of a set of rights. First, people should be able to pursue their dreams and do things they want to. Second, people should be accepted as they are and they should cooperate with others peacefully, the american dream definition essay. Third, all the people should be considered equals and be free from unjustified oppression. The American dream is the ideal society and concept that people of the world, not just Americans, should try to achieve through cooperation and understanding of others around them.

Jefferson, Thomas. Joyce Moser and Ann Watters. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Kennedy, John F. Schlesinger, Arthur M, the american dream definition essay. You are commenting using your WordPress.

com account. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Woratee Promlikhitkul Dr. Schlesinger The final characteristic that defines the American dream is freedom from oppression.

Jefferson In conclusion, though the American dream may be defined differently, in my point of view, it consists of a set of rights. Works Cited The american dream definition essay, Thomas. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public, the american dream definition essay. Name required. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use.

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Ask Steve - What is the American Dream?

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What is the American Dream? Free Essay Example |

the american dream definition essay

Jun 06,  · The American Dream is a concept that people can examine from a variety of perspectives, which makes the selection of an essay topic for an American Dream paper quite challenging. During the selection of an essay topic, it is essential to remember that no point of view is more superior or correct than blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins A dream means a happy ending and a happy outcome. The American dream has withstood the test of time to be called a dream. It is now an ultimate dream because of its impact globally not only to Americans but also to several other people from several nationalities. You can always go through this American dream essay example for some more insight into the idea of what other Personal Essay: The Definition Of The American Dream. The American Dream The American dream has been hoped for centuries. The example is in the 80 's a large number of people left Europe. With a determination to achieve they dream, some of them saw their dream come true, but other did not

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